About Me

About Me: Lauren, Your Culinary Guide

Welcome! I’m Lauren, and I’m thrilled to be your culinary guide. Join me on this exciting adventure as I share my tastiest meals and treats in my recipe blog, Food Is A Passion.

As a devoted food lover, I find endless inspiration in creating new recipes. Living in beautiful Port Moody, British Columbia, Canada—a melting pot of cultures—fuels my love for cooking and allows me to explore diverse culinary traditions.

Growing up, food played a significant role in my life. As a first-generation Canadian in a traditional Singaporean household, family gatherings and events always revolved around food. My mom is an incredible cook, and I am grateful for the recipes she has passed down to me. Although her cooking methods are often imprecise, I’ve replicated her signature dishes and developed many of my own recipes.

My recipe blog, Food Is A Passion, inspires you to find solace, comfort, and joy in creating and enjoying delicious meals. Food is more than just sustenance; it connects you with loved ones, fosters exploration of new cultures, and creates lasting memories. Whether you are an experienced cook or a beginner in the kitchen, my recipes are designed to be accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

A little more about me: my husband, Derek, is my enthusiastic taste tester. He is always ready to try my latest creations, despite the inevitable pile of dirty dishes! His feedback and hollow leg help me refine my recipes and ensure each one is perfect for sharing with you.

Join me on this culinary journey as we explore the magical world of food together. Let’s spread our passion for delicious meals and create cherished memories around the table. Welcome to Food Is A Passion—your destination for inspired cooking and joyful eating.

Family Photo